Sound & Communications Report – June 2021
It’s hard to remember what “normal” was, so much has happened. We do, however, endeavor to move closer to what we remember as normal. To help you remember “normal,” I’ll get on my soap box and remind everyone that the ETI is there for your educational needs. Almost every job call is requesting OSHA 10 or OSHA 30. These classes are readily available to you as well as VDV and FLS classes. The fact that you have made the time to take the classes and get these certs and maintain a level of continuing education makes you the kind of employees every contractor is looking for. We are in the middle of a construction boom, a time for us to grow with the industry we enjoy working in. Now, doesn’t that feel like “normal?”
Our first in person General Meeting will have happened by the time you are reading this. I hope that I saw you there. Hopefully, I will see you at the Sound & Comm Unit Meeting July 10 at Commerce. Check out the website,, and be there at 9 am to meet with all your brothers and sisters that you have missed over the past year.
Work hard, play safe,
Chuck Webb