District 6 Report – June 2021
Good news members! The new District 6 Diamond Bar Union Hall is near completion. We have scheduled a grand opening for July 9 starting at 2 pm. My brothers and sisters, I hope you all are excited as I am about it. We all can now conduct our union business conveniently in our backyard and close to the freeway.
In other good news, Johnson/Peltier has received the bulk of the work at the Miller/Coors Brewery plant. They currently have up to 15 members on site on a given day.
Mass railroad division should be slowly ramping up. The city of El Monte will be working with us for the EVITP projects throughout the city. More details regarding work coming down the pipeline in our district will be available very soon. We will also be needing volunteers for political support. Feel free to contact me if you are moved to do so for the betterment of District 6.
I hope you and your loved ones are blessed. Take good care of yourselves and be safe out there.
Respectfully Yours,
Jacob Troncoza