District 2 Report — February 2021
My Brothers & Sisters,
The work picture has currently slowed down as it is typical for this time of year. March should see an increase in work, but as with everything during these times, it’s unpredictable. 2020, despite COVID, was still a great work year for Local 11 and 2021 should be another great year.
District 2 has been a little slow with new calls as of late, but many of current projects are still going strong. The refineries are producing the bulk of the calls for our area. Get your TWIC and RSO! All costs for these are reimbursable, and you are given a stipend to get these certs.
A quick reminder not to let your State Cert expire. Get your 32 hours in and you can send in your renewal up to a year in advance. A good class to take is the LAQSP OSHA 30 class, as many jobsites are beginning to require any worker to have OSHA 10, and any Foreman or above to have OASHA 30 within the last four or five years. There is a $250 stipend with this class, and currently it is online so you can do the class from the comfort of your own home.
The South Bay Hall will be having an open house on Friday, March 5. The Hall will be open all day for members to stop by and see the new South Bay Hall. Come down see the new facility and say hello to you fellow Brothers and Sisters. The South Bay will be open daily from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM for any needs you may have except for dispatching. Dispatching will probably start in early to mid-April. In the future we hope to hold evening classes for members at the new, beautiful South Bay Hall located at 2150 W. 190th St Torrance, CA 90501
If you have any questions, concerns, jobsite issues or just want to BS, get a hold of myself, Mike Costigan your D3 Agent or Oscar Martinez, Organizer.
Gary Tomlin (626) 375-5721 gtomlin@ibew11.org District 2 Agent
Mike Costigan (310) 503-5337 mcostigan@ibew11.org District 3 Agent
Oscar Martinez (626) 429-1665 omartinez@ibew11.org D2/D3 Organizer
As always in Brotherhood, it is my privilege and honor to serve you as your District 2 Agent.
Gary Tomlin
Business Agent – District 2
Office: (626) 449-8112
Cell: (626) 375-5721