March Retiree Club Mtg Recap
***The April Regular scheduled meeting has been cancelled.***
Recap of March 11, 2020 Meeting
We started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and had a moment of silence for our departed brothers and sisters.
Dorough, Rufus 1 1/28/2020 06/13/1964
Griffing, Eugene 1 5/21/2017 12/12/1951
Swanson Jr., Samuel 4 12/15/2019 08/05/1964
Jones, Clifford T. 4 10/11/2019 03/05/1951
Dilbeck, Gary 5 1/14/2020 04/07/1981
Lawrence, Kenneth 6 10/03/2019 11/27/1962
Rest in Peace Brothers & Sisters
If anybody knows or work with any of these Brothers or Sisters and or would like to share their story about them please do.
John P. Breitschwerdt District 1
L. Craig Epperly District 2
Jose Casillas District 6
Carlos L. Guerra District 6
Steven Kestly District 1
Augustin Prunean District 1
Alfred D. Turner District 2
Eugenio D. Gatmaitan District 4
George Klein District 4
Darlow Troxel District 6
Richard A. Noltensmeirer District 6
Sergey Grebin District 1
Brothers David Carranza, Robert A. Melancon and Robert Sanders were presented with a 50-year pin and certificate at the February 20, 2020 General Meeting.
The Meeting
Our Guest Speaker was Mario Barragan, who talked about the 2020 picnic on October 3, 2020. It’ll be at the Hollywood Sports Park again this year. He does not know if the entry fee will be waved again this year as it was a last-minute decision to wave the fee and this was greatly appreciated by everyone attending. The Picnic Committee has not met this year to discuss the upcoming picnic. He said they were no complaints about last year, but they make a few changes this year to help improve the overall picnic for our members.
For more info on what is taking place in the local go to the locals web site.
An amendment to our By- Laws was discussed about the use of the Bryce Worthy Funds Annually, if needed, to help offset the cost to our members for the Summer or Winter Luncheon. This is still in the early stage and we are looking for input from our members
A) Possible By-Law Change
Possible use of Bryce Worthy funds annually to maximum of $1000 per year.
Need to draw up a By-Law amendment and vote on with All club members in good standing.
As determined by the Executive Officers (Total of 5) and Board (elected at-large members) (Total of 8) at an Executive Club Meeting may vote to use $1000.00 from the Bryce Worthy Fund for the good of the club annually. Vote must be approved by 2/3 (66%) of the Executive Committee present at the meeting. Executive Members must be in good standing and dues current to vote. A vote is required every year that the funds are to be used.
The Retirees Club outing to the Japanese American National Museum on March 12, 2020 was cancelled late Wednesday night (11th). We’ll try to reschedule at later date. (After the Covid-19 has left us)
It was reported that Marty Cohen is moving to Texas
David Alaniz, shared the 50-year service pin and certificate that he received from the I.O.
Thanks David.
If you think you are due a service pin or have any question about when you’ll receive one call the Pasadena Office
A reminder that the election of club officers and executive members will be this November. We need some members to step-up to help volunteer with running the club. If you would like to participate please let us know.
Please confirm before you go this meeting and ceremony if it is still scheduled due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and social distancing requirements. If we hear that the ceremony or meeting has been rescheduled, we’ll let pass it on to you or call Gary Tomlin.
April 1st is the District 2 meeting that we will be honoring Jane Templin with a 40-year pin. Please come out if you have time to share in this. Also, if anyone has pictures thru out the years of Jane, please get them to me by Monday March 23rd, as I would like to present her with more than just a service pin.
Information to
Gary Tomlin
Business Agent District 2
Cell 562-537-5763
Office: 626.449.8112
Fax: 626.521.5790
5938 E. Parkcrest St.
Long Beach. CA
50/50 winners Anthony Van and Jimmy Amato.
Faye Wassenaar, we Thank You for the Valentine Cupcakes.
Saint Patrick cupcakes were provided by Faye Wassenaar which were an excellent finishing touch to the Corn Beef and Cabbage lunch we enjoyed.
The April Regular scheduled meeting has been cancelled.
It is still to be determined if we we’ll meet On May 13th.
We need all our members to be safe and in good health.