COVID-19 Update: ETI Classes Cancelled Until March 31, Membership Meeting Still On, Dispatch Halls Open, EDD Resources
Brothers & Sisters,
Due to recent developments in this ever-changing landscape, the trustees of the Electrical Training Institute have decided to cancel educational classes at the ETI until Tuesday, March 31, 2020. This is based on recommendation of the president and concerns for the safety and health of our members.
I hope this interruption of every day life will be short lived. The union dispatch halls will remain open as most job sites are open and contractors continue to request manpower. I have heard of some projects being shut down and others are sure to follow.
The General Membership Meeting will still be held this Thursday at 5 pm in the Commerce multi-purpose room. We are required by the Constitution of the IBEW to conduct a monthly meeting. The business of the local union continues, and this is an integral part. All precautions will be taken, such as seating space to allow social distancing, and brief reports. I am requiring only a limited number of staff to attend, and we will only allow a total of 50 members in the room. Very few new obligates are scheduled and I don’t anticipate many rank and file attending.
To help monetarily in the interim, look to the EDD website to apply for disability or unemployment benefits.
I remain ever vigilant to protect you as members of IBEW Local 11 and will do all in my power to assist in this time of need.
Joël Barton
Business Manager / Financial Secretary