Sound & Communications — December Report
The end of the year is a time to look back, just so you can see the ground that you have covered. The beginning is not so far back for the Barton staff. We came into office in July of 2018 determined to pay attention to the needs of our Sound & Communications Division. We have tried to be more inclusive of all our members and we have witnessed the continued growth in participation in the Unit. Through the hard work of our Organizer, Christine Austria-Lozoya, we have seen a 50% growth of the Sound & Communication Unit with almost 800 members and another almost 300 travelers working in our jurisdiction. By the end of August 2019, we have reported more that 1.1 million hours of Sound & Communications work in our jurisdiction for the year. These are numbers to be proud of. The numbers needed in the future, however, the members to be added to our roles, will have to double what we are experiencing at this time. Our future is bright here in Los Angeles, make sure that you are a proud participant of the Unit.
The Sound & Communications Unit Holiday Luncheon was a smashing success with 100 members participating. Hopefully you were one of the lucky members that won one of the 3 tv’s that were raffled off with all of the other prizes supplied by the S&C Welfare Committee and Local 11. Hopefully you enjoyed the luncheon and the fellowship with your Brothers & Sisters and are now looking forward to the new year.
We, the staff of Local 11, want to wish all our Sisters & Brothers the very best in this holiday season!!!
Work Safe, Play Hard
Chuck Webb