Political Director’s Report: 2019 Scorecard

By Antonio Sanchez

The California Labor Federation recently released their 2019 legislative scorecard and there are a few LA County notables on the list.

State Senators Maria Elena Durazo, Lena Gonzalez, Connie Leyva, Holly Mitchell, Anthony Portantino, and Henry Stern all earned a 100% labor voting record.

Assemblymembers Miguel Santiago, Ian Calderon, Ed Chau, Laura Friedman, Chris Holden, Reggie Jones-Sawyer, and Speaker Anthony Rendon also made the 100% labor voting record mark. Their work and values are appreciated!

Collectively, the Building Trades did well in Sacramento. The legislature passed legislation that put a multi-billion dollar school construction bond on the ballot, expanded PLAs, and made it easier for us to fight the misclassification of workers. You probably heard that Governor Newson vetoed a bill that would have required charter schools that use conduit-bond financing to pay prevailing wage for their construction projects. His action was disappointing and not the right thing to do. If a charter school gets a public benefit by using conduit-bond financing, then the construction workers should get paid prevailing wage. We’re not done with this issue, more to come, I’m sure.

The 2020 Census will be here in no time. IBEW Local 11 will have an active campaign to encourage every member to participate in the Census because it’s critical that everyone be counted.

The March 2020 election is shaping up to be very interesting – we will send our list of endorsements soon enough.

Finally – who do you want to vote for US President? Send me an email and let me know, I always like hearing your thoughts.


I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Please remember that there is no shame in asking for help when you’re experiencing stress, anxiety or depression.

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