Changes Coming to the Referral-Dispatch Rules

Sisters and Brothers,

This notice shall serve as a reminder of the changes coming to the Referral-Dispatch rules. You should have received correspondence recently with the changes. The effective date is Monday, October 7, 2019.

The most important change will be the roll call/resign dates. As noted, roll call will now be the 10th through the 16th of the month. So remember, you will have to roll call during that time to remain on the books. Another is the institution of a 3-strike system. As explained in the Referral System-Dispatching Rules, if you pass up an eligible job call, you will receive a strike. Upon the third strike, you will come off the books. You will then need to come in person to sign yourself back on the book to be eligible for dispatch. An addendum to the new rules will be posted in the halls and on the web site regarding your appeal rights.

We are currently in negotiations for changes and additions to the Sound & Communications Agreement. The committee has met 2 times and will meet again this Friday. We will compile a list of items and present them to NECA then set dates to begin. The local will give updates along with proposals to the Sound Unit. We hope to conclude negotiations by the end of October.

In closing, remember to always read correspondence from the Local Union, the Pension and Health Trust or the International. This is important to make sure you are using and continue to enjoy the many benefits of being a union member. Check the hours reported with the hours you worked to make sure you are credited. It may not seem important now, but it will pay off when it comes time retire from the trade.

Yours in solidarity,


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