Veterans Report
Over the past 4 years Local 11 has been conducting an aggressive outreach and recruitment program to our Military Veteran population. Mike Kufchak leads this effort as our Director of Veterans Affairs and Recruitment. Additionally, he conducts and participates in Career and Resource Fairs aboard Military Installations where he recruits transitioning service-members.
Additionally, he also works closely with the Employment Development Department and Americas Job Centers of California (AJCC) to include the Salvation Army and Work Source Centers throughout Southern California to provide opportunities to those veterans who have already departed the Military and have no knowledge of our Union Apprenticeship Program.
Mike Kufchak is also a sitting member of the Antelope Valley Veteran Employment Committee (AVVEC), whereas they assist and host Employment and Resource Fairs for Veterans located in our high desert area of Los Angeles County.
Due to the increased population of Veterans that have joined Local 11, we have started a Veterans Caucus to meet the needs of our veterans to inform them of the increased benefits they’ve earned from our Federal Government in terms of their Post 9/11 G.I. Bill to include Medical and Administrative Support from the Veterans Administration.