District 5
Greetings Brothers and Sisters from the High Desert,
As of this writing I am glad to see the work picture doing well. Solar projects and Aerospace jobs have been keeping us busy. We have employed many members to date. Cupertino Electric was just awarded a 120 Mega-Watt solar project which should start in the near future. Also, with the new multibillion-dollar Bomber program between Northrop and Lockheed, that work is ongoing and will employ many members. I would like to thank our stewards that have worked recently on various jobs Alfredo Torres, Dalton Yong, John Dewar and Ron Dreiling. l would also like to thank our Chairman Alfredo Torres, Vice Chairman King Moore, Recording Secretary Ed Fowler, Officers Mike Kaminski, Luis Martinez, Edgar lco, Dion Jensen and Shane Fairbrother for all their hard work. I would also like to thank District 5 Chairman Emeritus Brother John Dewar in his recent retirement and wish him many happy years. In politics I would like to give a heartfelt thank you and great job to Business Development and the many members who volunteered their time attending City Council meetings, Planning Commission meetings, School Board meetings and Rally’s. We now have eight Community Workforce Agreements in Antelope Valley with more to come. There has been a lot of blood, sweat and tears over many years, and through the political process, work has been created for our members. Please do not forget to vote, YOUR VOTE COUNTS! On a lighter note please sign up for classes in District 5. Our next course will be LA Qualified Safety course. This class will also count as ongoing education for your State Certification.
I want to thank all our officers and members for all their hard work and participation in making IBEW and District 5 the great District it is today.
Mitch Klein