New travelers may sign our Book 2 Monday through Friday, between the hours of 1:30 and 3:30 pm. You must provide a current original travel letter with a raised seal dated within the last 6 months, a yellow dues receipt paid through the current month and your driver’s license, or government-issued ID card. You do not need California general cert to sign our Book 2, but you are required to provide your general cert card at the time of dispatch. Local 11 is 100% state certified. Convention Center calls may be an exception to this rule.
We will accept travel letters and your current dues receipt if sent by your home local office via email or fax. As a courtesy, Dispatch will keep your faxed or emailed travel letter and dues receipt for 2 weeks after receipt. Our email address is dispatch@ibew11.org and our fax number is (323) 726-0623. Our office is located at 6023 S. Garfield Ave., Commerce, CA 90040.
For job call information, please visit our website at ibew11.org. You do not need to log in to view our available jobs. Just click on “WORK” on the gold navigation bar below our logo on the top of the page, then “JOB CALLS,” then select “JOBS.” (again in the gold navigation bar). From there click on “JOBS AVAILABLE.”
Click here for a direct link.
6023 South Garfield Avenue
Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 517-9610 Phone